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Bangalore Mirror

Clip text, images to the cloud

Wisdomleaf’s clip2box is an app for Box users that helps users ‘clip’ text images and video on to the cloud. In conversation with founder Anupama Parthasarathy


Wisdomleaf Technologies started as a self-funded company in database management services, but quickly moved into web design, development and testing services. Since we wanted to grow from a services company to an innovative product company, we started focusing on mobile technology and building mobile applications. We have been developing mobile apps for the last couple of years. We were approached by Box to develop a web clipper app for Box users. Box currently has 14 million users worldwide. About 92 per cent of Fortune 500 companies use Box. We wanted to grab the opportunity of using our experience to develop an app for a huge global customer base. clip2box took three months to develop.


clip2box is the only web-clipper app for Box users. clip2box helps users save clips of text, images and video on to the cloud. The webclips saved into Box can be accessed by users anytime, anywhere. It is a productivity app with the functionality of saving full webpage or part of webpage on the cloud. These can then be organised using folders and be shared with friends. In addition, the Bookmarklet feature can be used to enable easy clipping while using Safari browser. Web clips can be saved in the original HTML source format or as plain text. Customers interested in purchasing the product can buy the app from their iTunes account with a single click. Online is the best place to market apps. We have used a Facebook page and social media to engage with customers and have sought expert reviews on blogs. The main marketing for clip2box is through Box. The feedback has been positive and encouraging. We have seen downloads from 12 countries. The feedback has mostly been about how the app helps to save time, how it is useful to anyone who accesses content on the iPad and simplicity of use. Because of the timing of the launch, the main challenge was to make sure that clip2box was compatible with iOS6 and to ensure that it could be easily used with the retina display on iPad3. We had to constantly keep the user experience in mind and work towards optimizing performance. Our immediate goal is to release clipbox for the iPhone and Android market. This should take a couple of months. Associating with Box by building a webclipper app for Box users has opened many doors for us. Our goal is to satisfying customers’ needs.


clip2box ­ Save webclips to Box 1.0
You can now save any web page from your iPad to your account. With Clip2box you can save a web page either as a HTML or retain the original format with all the images intact. You can save the web page on-the-go in different folders in
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Top app reviews 101

clip2box ­ Save Webclips To Box App
You can now save any web page from your iPad to your account. With Clip2box you can save a web page either as a HTML or retain the original format with all the images intact.
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clip2box ­ Save webclips to Box
You can now save any web page from your iPad to your account. With Clip2box you can save a web page either as a HTML or retain the original format with all the images intact.
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Clip2box Apps Provides Solution for Mobile Browsing Bookmarking
Available worldwide from today, clip2box is a Productivity App that helps iPad users save webclip or an entire web page into their Box account. This app has been developed by Wisdomleaf Technologies.
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clip2box ­ Save webclips to Box
You can now save any web page from your iPad to your account. With Clip2box you can save a web page either as a HTML or retain the original format with all the images intact.
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Before it’s News

clip2box iPad App Allows You To Save Web Content On clip2box iPad App Available worldwide from September 28, clip2box is a Productivity App that helps iPad users save webclip or an entire web page into their Box account. Read More


Starting from 28th September, a new cloud based storage app has been launched in the iTunes market. The name of the app is Clip2box app and is a paid app. It is a Productivity app with the functionality of saving any webpage with its full content on the cloud
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